Tuesday 30 June 2015

Yvonne Nelson Was LONELY At The BETs, John Dumelo Kept Snubbing Her All Of The Time

We know they used to be best of friends but now, we cannot say that at least for the time being. You do remember Yvonne Nelson said something about John Dumelo, which she obviously regretted after the harm those words caused her friendship. Sometime back in May, when she was campaigning for her #DumsorMustStop, she termed John Dumelo as someone who loves to kiss the as* of the Ghanian government. Yvonne’s dress to the 2015 BET After several days, John Dumelo let out his anger, extremely shocked that someone he considers a good tight friend would insult him that way on Social media in the name of Dumsormuststop, just because he(John) had asked Ghanaians to be patient with the president in solving the problem..
Yvonne Nelson was at this year’s BET and announced it in the most ridiculous way with the below photo and caption....See pics After the cut...

John Dumelo Says Yvonne Nelson Insulted Him Just To Look Good In The Public Eye Moving on, John Dumelo has also been in the States some weeks earlier with Majid Michel for his usual business trips.

Yvonne Nelson in an interview with Citi Fm, disclosed that, she and John were still cool and that they had resolved their differences, but we know that was a blatant lie she was just saying on radio. She was doing promos for her movie “If Tomorrow Never Comes” and didn’t want to spoil the mood of fans who just want to come see the movie because of John Dumelo. She mentioned on Citi Fm, that she was cool with John and that John was like a brother to her, and that John was out of the country as at that time, so as soon as John gets back, she would go see him and everyone would know they are still cool. Yvonne Nelson in the past is known for sharing pictures, she’s taken together with John Dumelo at least once every week. They even make funny videos and sometimes, people get the impression that they are dating.
The relationship between the two celebrities is still sour and John Dumelo does not want Yvonne nelson as a friend YET! At the BETs Yvonne Nelson tried getting closer to John, so they could talk and take a selfie together, but our insider tells us that, John snubbed her each time. John still refuses to pick her calls or even replies her messages.
Yvonne Nelson had no one to hang out with at the BETs because John was with the men, and it was hard to go close where John was as he snubs her each time. Her Life Was Completely MISERABLE and didn’t really enjoy her stay.

she even wished she stayed in Ghana and attended the Golden Movie Awards which happened on the 27th, June 2015.  At least, all of the cameras would have been on her. Yvonne Nelson has lost a great buddy for having such a POTTY mouth. We only wish that, they get back as friends soon.

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